The new obsession fashionista: Lara Stone

A It Girl, em clima campestre para a Louis Vuitton - (substituindo ninguém menos que Madonna)
Núa e fetichista para a revista Interview de março.
Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 1 Lara_Stone04Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 2 Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 3 Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 4 Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 5 Interview Magazine’s March lARA STONE 6
Agressiva, em campanha publicitária para perfume Versus da Versace.
Lara Stone for Versus

“Tentada” por diamantes, em editorial polêmico para a Vogue Paris.
La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 1La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 2 La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 3 La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 4 La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 5 La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 6La Tentation du Diamant with Lara stone by Cedric Buchet for Vogue Paris 7
Te cuida, Giselle.

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